Year I: Fairy + Gnome School: Year I

Year I: Fairy + Gnome School: Year I

Sale Price:$200.00 Original Price:$220.00

An over the top Creative Play & Make Summer Camp

Fairy + Gnome School Year I: Ages 5-9

Tuesday-Friday, May 27-30th from 9-10:30am

Recommended for students ages 5-9 that are still developing their fine motor skills. Students will design, create, draw, paint, and make everything woodland. From painting, and decorating their own pre-constructed fairy/gnome house, designing and making their own wooden characters, brewing woodland potions, and creating a host of other objects to promote creative play, students will have everything available to them to stretch their creative wings.  ​It will be a fun filled, inspiring week, just in time for Summer and Fall outdoor and indoor play.


Min. 6 Max. 12 students

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