Year II: Fairy + Gnome School

Year II: Fairy + Gnome School

Sale Price:$240.00 Original Price:$265.00

An over the top Creative Play & Make Summer Camp

Fairy + Gnome School Year II: Ages 8-13

Tuesday-Friday, May 27-30th 11-1pm

Recommended for students with more developed fine motor, ages 8-13. Students will design and fabricate their own miniature house, for fairies, gnomes, trolls - whatever they can dream up, using basic sculpture techniques and a variety of found and created materials as well as create a host of other objects to promote creative play, Students will have everything available to them to follow their creative instincts creating fun and whimsical objects, just in time for Summer and Fall outdoor and indoor play and display.


Min. 6 Max. 12 students

Note: This class will can be repeated year after year. Students will have the opportunity to create new and exciting builds as their skill level increases.

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